Thursday, January 27, 2011

Podcast 1-27-11

In this podcast we discuss the Super Bowl, react to what happened in the playoffs, discuss the Tampa Bay Rays moves, The Bulls, Heat and Spurs successes and failures and Tiger Woods fall to the #3 golfer in the world. Hopefully you will enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Football notes:
    Rogers had the better game for certain and Ben lost based upon the pressure that GB pressed on the front line. GB split up the Steelers defense.
    You both missed the pick. GB Rocks!

    Steelers are certainly not a small market team. Merchandise for the Steelers is likely number two next to Dallas.

    I think the Cutler problem with the fans is based upon the trade deal that was done years ago and they assume a Superbowl win, solely for that purpose.
